A significant year for our club with Brett Nener Sensei visiting us and conducting our grading. The club feels a great sense of accomplishment in bringing Sal Fonte and Grant Meadows to their shodan grade, congratulates them on their achievement, and thanks them for the commitment to training that has brought them to this level.
Congratulations also to those who have had their progress recognised with a higher grade, and to those that have joined us recently who have been given a grade that shows them where the path begins.

meiyo shihan tanaka shigeho

Here's some youtube footage of our Meiyo Shihan Tanaka Shigeho, from an old Japanese documentary:
Tanaka Shihan holds a ninth dan in Aikikai and this demonstration is closer to that style than ours. He also trained under Gozo Shioda at the Yoshinkan dojo in the 50's - I think there is some influence from that training in his techniques as well.